Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My name is Peter Eleazar.

I have a finance degree and a master's degree in business administration. I have also written a number of books. Professionally, I am involved in business consulting, economic modelling, communications  and management training. I am also active in social networking.

My faith ... is central to my worldview. I believe in the whole counsel of God's word, in the deity of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of God the Father. I believe that New Testament church life reflects God's desired model for Christian Fellowship, Worship and Service. After walking with God for 35 years, I am now beyond persuasion that the Bible is the most powerful literary work of history, an anthology of musings, prayers, teachings and chronicles, done by the ordinary, albeit great souls who walked the earth over millenia, to interpret God's great call over their lives and translate that interpretation to a hungry world. It is a book of exquisite balance, consistency, insight, wisdom and elegant truth, beyond all human comparison.

My Family ... includes my precious wife, Paula, a marketing manager for a large corporate. She has walked alongside me and shared my foxhole through all kinds of deep and painful struggles. We have both grown through our experiences, to acquire a real-world faith that has become a wellspring of hope to others and a refuge from the dark influences of our age. Our two sons, Tim and Dan, have shared our struggles and grown alongside us, a process that has equipped them to take the baton far beyond what life and circumstance allowed us to do.

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