Monday, May 24, 2010

My books ... remain, as yet, unpublished despite many fruitless attempts. I have written the following:

Dead Reckoning was written over a period of five years and sets out to articulate and clarify God's patterns of order in the seeming confusion of human crisis. It uses a semi-narrative style, based on real-world stories, to show that what seems so random and irrational, always has a divine plan and will always work together for those who are called of God and serve His purpose. It is a book of insights, inspirations, upliftment and hope, which shows that the outworking of our crises is always noble and restorative.

Broken worlds is a novel about a young immigrant Jewish farmer's son, who settles in early 20th century Israel and labors with his family to eke out an existence in their immgrant community. The undisclosed secrets of his life and roots emerge in an unplanned way and with unintended consequences, to fragment his famly and shatter the idyllic wonders of childhood, but the resulting drama reveals much about the patterns of crisis and recovery that so often confront our own lives.

Upon this rock is my second novel It traces the lives of three young men who find solace in their shared foxhole during the battle of Normandy. The story traces their progress from those dark days into the modern era, reflecting on their own personal crises and how those crises relate to the unfolding dramas of history. The climax of the book relates the crisis of man to the cross and the profound battle that it represented, when Christ established a beachhead for the ultimate victory of God's kingdom..

Common Ground, my third novel, picks up on the mysterious stone artefact that first appears in earlier novels. It ties many threads together as it traces the life of Catherine and her quest for meaning, as she struggles to cast off her own dark past. The book traces back to the independence of Israel and the related struggles that brought Israel to nationhood, but it also reveals a thread of dark mystery, which threatens Kate and all those she loves.

Koinos Edaphos (partially complete) ... is a philosophical work that draws from the principles of earlier works to build a case for a more collaborative socio-economic culture within the Christian community. I argue that individuals who struggle independently will be the most vulnerable to the coming economic storms, whilst those who follow biblical patterns of coexistence and leadership, will thrive.

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